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Darkness In Me

<p>Lauretta Brogan</p>

  • https://darknessinme.com/uploads/a3428d7ce13f4c7a92c2c167f1d1ad07.png Elizabeth Hurley Lilin Lilin

    Site Canon

    Lauretta is another one of London's sanctuary holders. Her business is one of the more seedy ones, unlike the nicer, more appropriate managements of her other Lilin counterparts; an escort service, located in Soho. She knows well that being in the limelight can cause more issues than it pays off, so she stays in the darkness where she knows she can disappear easily.


    Lauretta, like Violet, is well known for getting people in touch with others depending on their needs. Unlike Violet her price isn't expensive things. Her price varies and is always dependent on how far she has to go to get what the person will need.


    Vice: Lust

    TO PIG. You hired my services last week. You grabbed my butt and I told you that if you did that again, I'd have to charge you. You did. I need your address so I can bill you properly. /Lauretta ♥

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